ABOUT / 作家介绍

Originally from Dublin, Ireland, James has spent most of the last fifteen years in China. He studied in Dalian, north-east China for six years and has most recently lived in Shanghai for the last four years.
He works in destination marketing, affording him many opportunities to travel and gain inspiration from a variety of sources. He spends much of his spare time visiting and drawing inspiration from the many art exhibitions, galleries and art themed spaces already existing or sprouting up, especially in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.
James tried many different styles of photography over the years, picking up most of his knowledge purely through experimentation. A mix of these past styles can be seen in some of his non-abstract work, but it was the discovery of his own style of abstract shooting that became his focus.
It is often in the art exhibitions, galleries and art themed spaces around China that he has found the right combinations of light, shade, colour and shape that form the templates for his style of experimental, creative work. Disliking the smartphone generation of photography where filters, apps and programmes can ‘enhance’ images, these shots are as they came out of the camera, with no photoshop or filters.
Rather than taking photos of scenes as they are, James uses his camera to create something new, something that is, for him, beyond photography.

© Byond Photography 2022. All Rights Reserved.